Blog Post

Taking Your Kids to The Dentist

  • By Northlake Dentistry
  • 19 Dec, 2019

When it comes to dental hygiene, it's good to develop healthy habits early. Teaching your little ones how to care for their teeth at a young age properly, can engrain some important routines into their minds.


Your Child’s Teeth

Vital to your child's health and development, their primary teeth, also known as baby teeth, help them to chew, speak, and smile. While your child's baby teeth will eventually become loose and fall out, appropriate care is crucial for the development of their adult teeth. Baby teeth hold space in your child’s jaws for their permanent teeth that are growing under the gums. If your child loses any of their teeth too early, this can cause permanent teeth to drift into the empty spaces, which can make it difficult for the other adult teeth to find room when they do finally come in. Losing teeth too early can permanent teeth to become crowded, or even crooked.


When to Make the First Appointment

If you’re wondering when you should take your little one to their first dentist appointment, you are not alone. There are many different opinions on when this should be done. Within six months of your baby’s first tooth finally coming in, and before he, or she, turns two years old, make their first appointment! A dental appointment for a young child is considered part of a "well-baby checkup" for their teeth.


The First Visit & What to Expect

At your little one's first dental appointment, it is more about introducing him or her to the experience of going to the dentist. During their first visit, the dentist will take a quick peek in your baby's mouth, count any teeth, and make sure their current teeth are coming in correctly. They may check for any early cavities and any other issues. They will also show you how to properly care for your baby's new teeth and their gums. Adequate care for your baby's gums is just as important as caring for the teeth that are growing through them. Your child's dentist should also teach you how to handle habits such as thumb sucking, which could ultimately affect their teeth. Your little one's first dentist visit will help to build trust and a positive relationship. Early visits will teach them that seeing the dentist is a happy and care-free experience.


Future Appointments

After your child’s initial appointment, it is recommended that they see the dentist every six months. At their second appointment, this may be when the dentist starts working on your child’s teeth. They will again count the teeth coming in. This may also be the appointment where they begin brushing and polishing your child’s teeth. By the age of three years old, your little one should be receiving full dental exams. About this time is when they begin doing fluoride treatments and be taught the importance of flossing. At the age of five, your child will be old enough to receive x-rays. 

Make sure your child keeps up on their dental hygiene and keeps good habits and routines. Doing this will ensure a healthy, beautiful smile for years to come!


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